Displays atomic orbitals with a large contribution to the specified molecular orbital.
Usage: pdf-top [Option]
Executing the command above obtains the following outputs:
$ pdf-top 115
MO level: 115
No. 1 8 C ( 42.525, 37.241, 32.674) p( px) ( 8.18%; 8.18%)
No. 2 8 C ( 42.525, 37.241, 32.674) p( pz) ( 7.77%; 15.95%)
No. 3 20 C ( 43.858, 35.420, 31.228) p( px) ( 7.38%; 23.34%)
No. 4 11 N ( 41.507, 35.639, 33.859) p( px) ( 6.74%; 30.08%)
No. 5 14 C ( 42.553, 33.543, 32.877) p( px) ( 6.69%; 36.77%)
No. 6 20 C ( 43.858, 35.420, 31.228) p( pz) ( 5.54%; 42.31%)
No. 7 14 C ( 42.553, 33.543, 32.877) p( pz) ( 5.20%; 47.51%)
No. 8 11 N ( 41.507, 35.639, 33.859) p( pz) ( 4.71%; 52.23%)
No. 9 9 C ( 41.623, 36.994, 33.649) p( px) ( 4.39%; 56.62%)
No.10 9 C ( 41.623, 36.994, 33.649) p( pz) ( 3.39%; 60.00%)
Outputs formal charges.
Usage: pdf-pop <MO_ID>
Outputs molecular orbital field data.
Usage: pdf-mo <MO_ID>
Outputs electrostatic potential field data.
Usage: pdf-esp
Outputs electron density field data.
Usage: pdf-dens
Aggregates calculation results to create archives.
Usage: pdf-archive
Creates calculation result reports.
Usage: pdf-archive
The user can obtain energy convergence curve (Fig. 4) and orbital energy convergence history (Fig. 5), as shown below
Outputs the specified matrix file (binary format) to standard output.
Usage: pdf-mat2txt
Outputs the specified vector file (binary format) to standard output.
Usage: pdf-vtr2txt
Converts MessagePack files to YAML files.
Usage: mpac2yml.py [options] FILE
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Converts YAML files to MessagePack files.
Usage: yml2mpac.py [options] YAML_FILE MPAC_FILE
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Compares two calculation results.
Usage: pdf-diff
Outputs matrix information.
Usage: pdf-matinfo
Generates matrices.
Usage: pdf-genmat