explanation of QCLObot YAML File

QCLObot playbook is separated by following two parts:

  • “vars” section

    definition of variables

  • “tasks” section

    definition of task for general and for frame molecule

“vars” section

Declare the variable. The declared variables can be used with with_items and so on.

  residues: [27, 28, 48, 97, 101, 108, 248, 547, 558, 559]

  - name: frame_{{ item }}
    sp: true
      - name: AA_{{ item }}
        brd_select: /model_1/A/{{ item }}/
      - name: ACE_{{ item }}
        add_ACE: true
        brd_select: /model_1/A/{{ item -1 }}/
      - name: NME_{{ item }}
        add_NME: true
        brd_select: /model_1/A/{{ item +1 }}/
    with_items: residues


Note that when using templates, especially when operating within a template, there is a distinction between strings and numbers.

“tasks” section

The “tasks” section is consist of three parts:

  • condition

  • task

  • frame definition



repeat the task.


do the task if the condition is satisfied.


Insert an external file. Fill in the external file with the “tasks” statement.

  - name: include_step1
    include_tasks: "step1.yaml"



Send mail.

- name: send_mail
    smtp_server: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    smtp_port: xx
    use_SSL: yes
    smtp_account: xxxx
    smtp_password: xxxx
    from_address: xxxx@xxxx.xxxx
    to_address: xxxx@xxxx.xxxx
    subject: 'test mail'
    msg: 'job finished.'


do nothing.


frame definition


All frame require the name. Based of this name value, the working directory is created on the current directory.


Accept values of the dictionary type. Replaces the default external commands. The following commands are currently supported:

  • archive

  • mat-extend

  • mat-mul

  • mat-select

  • mat-symetrize

  • mat-transpose

  • mat-diagonal


A frame molecule consists of fragment(s). The fragment is defined by following keywords. All fragment requires the “name” attribute, which is used as name of the fragment.

  • atomlist

atomlist directive makes fragment from atom list

- name: N2
  sp: true
    - name: N2
        - "N  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000"
        - "N  1.000000   0.000000   0.000000"

The atomlist is an array object. Each atom is defined by string separated white space, or by array object as following:

- name: OH
  sp: true
    - name: OH
        - [O, -7.328, -30.909,  17.923]
        - [H, -6.026, -31.757,  17.909]
  • add_CH3

    If the keyword is defined as yes, a methyl group is add as fragment.

    • displacement

      This atom is substitute with methyl carbon. This value is specified by string as Bridge path.

    • root

      This atom is indicated to the next atom of the displacement atom. This value is specified by string as Bridge path.

      - name: small_mol
        sp: true
          - name: frag1
            add_CH3: true
            displacement: "/model_1/A/100/100_C1"
            root: "/model_1/A/100/100_C2"
  • add_ACE

Place the acetyl group in the specified place and add it as a fragment.

- name: res_3
  sp: true
    - name: res_3
      brd_select: /model_1/A/3/
    - name: ACE_3
      add_ACE: true
      brd_select: /model_1/A/2/
  • add_NME

Place the N-methyl group in the specified place and add it as a fragment.

- name: res_3
  sp: true
    - name: res_3
      brd_select: /model_1/A/3/
    - name: NME_3
      add_NME: true
      brd_select: /model_1/A/4/
  • reference

The fragment is created by using the previous calculation result.

  • frame

    This value indicates the name of the frame molecule.

  • fragment

    The name of the fragment in the frame molecule.

- name: frame_3
  sp: true
    - name: AA_3
      brd_select: /model_1/A/3/
    - name: ACE_3
      add_ACE: true
      brd_select: /model_1/A/3/
    - name: NME_3
      add_NME: true
      brd_select: /model_1/A/3/

- name: frame_3-7
  sp: true
  guess: QCLO
    - name: AA_3
        frame: frame_3
        fragment: AA_3
  • brd_select

The group which is indicated by the value of brd_select keyword is add as fragment. This value is specified by string as Bridge path.

New in version 2022.10: dict type supported.







Specify the group of atoms to be included.



Specify the path to exclude from the atom group specified by `path` .

- name: frame_HEM4
  sp: true
    - name: HEM4
        path: /model_1/A/204/
        except: /model_1/A/204/*_FE
    - name: S-CH3_B
      add_CH3: true
      root: /model_1/A/100/1476_SG
      displacement: /model_1/A/100/1475_CB
    - name: S-CH3_C
      add_CH3: true
      root: /model_1/A/105/1548_SG
      displacement: /model_1/A/105/1547_CB
    - name: HEM3X
        - "X  -11.048   6.729   4.106 +1"
        - "X   -5.968   5.999   7.701 +1"
  charge: -2

frame action

The following keyword indicates for the frame object to do.

  • pre_scf

    If pre_scf is defined as yes , then the processing calculation before SCF loop is carried out in the frame molecule.

  • guess

    Creation of the initial guess is executed. How to create guess depends on the value of “guess” keyword. Use mapping format in “guess” section.

    • method

      Specified method for guess. Possible values are as follows.

      • harris

        The initial guess is created by using Harris functional method. This is default.

      • QCLO

        The inigial guess is made of the QCLOs of corresponding fragments by using QCLO method. If the QCLO of the child fragment has not been created, it is computed automatically.

    • force

      boolean. The default value is False. If you want to force execution even if it has already been done, specify True.

  • sp

    If the sp is defined as yes , the single-point calculation of the frame molecule is carried out. If pre_scf and guess keywords are not indicated, these operations are automatically performed.

  • force

    If the force is defined as yes , the energy force is gained in the frame molecule.

    - name: res_3-7
      pre_scf: yes
      guess: QCLO
      sp: yes
      force: yes
  • summary

    Displays a summary of the calculation. There are three different methods depending on the data format.

    • boolean

      Outputs a standard summary (True).

      - name: res_3-7
        pre_scf: yes
        guess: QCLO
        sp: yes
        summary: yes
    • string

      Output according to the given string. Specific strings are replaced by the corresponding content.




      number of atoms


      number of AOs


      number of MOs




      Whether the SCF is converged or not




      total energy


      gradient RMS

      - name: res_3-7
      pre_scf: yes
      guess: QCLO
      sp: yes
      summary: "atoms: {NUM_OF_ATOMS} iterations: {ITERATION}"
    • dict

      If you want to export to a file, you can use this format. The output file is written in appendix mode.

      • format

        Output according to the format string.

      • filepath

        Specify the file path to be output.

        - name: res_3-7
          pre_scf: yes
          guess: QCLO
          sp: yes
            format: "atoms: {NUM_OF_ATOMS} iterations: {ITERATION}"
            filepath: "summary.txt"

default frame

The default frame is a special frame.

If the name section is “default”, this frame parameters are used as default values.

In the following example, the frame is calculated as DZVP2 as the basisset and the exchange correlation functional is used by B3LYP.

  - name: default
    brd_file: sample.brd
    basis_set: DZVP2
    XC_functional: B3LYP

  - name: N2
      - "N  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000"
      - "N  1.000000   0.000000   0.000000"